Cross-Device Testing on a Budget: Utilizing Free and Open-Source Tools for Comprehensive Coverage

We can simply realize that people demand the greatest portability possible from their regular duties after examining the current market. All of the apps that users will utilize in their daily lives are likewise subject to this restriction. Subsequently, incorporating cross-device testing helps testers gain assurance on the functionality of their apps on the various devices of a user’s choice.

The most frequently used gadgets are tablets, smartphones, laptops, and desktop computers will be the most often used gadgets if they had to be listed. We also understand that it is easier said than done, which has been planned to be done. This is mostly due to the differences in these devices’ sizes, resolutions, and other features.

On the other hand, because of the time and resources needed to carry out this stage correctly, extensive cross-device testing might be complex. The testers must use a variety of open-source technologies that are not only affordable but also aid in streamlining the overall tactics in order to overcome the difficulties associated with cross-device testing.

This post will teach us about some affordable cross-device testing techniques. We will also learn how testers can help achieve thorough test coverage throughout the application testing cycle by utilizing a few contemporary open-source technologies.

So, without further ado, let’s get started!

Cross-Device Testing’s Significance

Cross-device testing is an essential tool of modern software development, especially the creation of software products for the Web and mobile platforms. The need to ensure the support of all possible use cases and the guarantee of the correct, proper, and smooth functioning of an application also depends on devices, operating systems, and screen sizes. That is why several factors may greatly contribute to it.

  • User Experience


Customers anticipate a flawless experience on any device. Testing an application across many devices to make sure it functions and looks the same is known as cross-device testing.


Developers can test their apps across a variety of devices to find and address problems with voice control, screen readers, touchscreen navigation, and other accessibility-related features. This inclusion improves the user experience for those with disabilities.

  • Market Capability

Device Diversity

Numerous gadgets with various operating systems, including iOS, Android, Windows, and macOS, are widely available in the market, ranging from smartphones and tablets to desktop computers and laptops. Ensure compatibility among these devices to maximize the possible user base.

Global Audience

Regional preferences exist for various platforms and gadgets. Cross-device testing aids in adapting the application to fulfill the needs and expectations of a worldwide user base.

  • Performance Optimization

Resource Management

Hardware capabilities vary among devices. Cross-device testing allows perfect synchronization of activities and ensures the program runs perfectly, including on low-performing and high-end gadgets, which helps determine performance lags and resource utilization.

Network Conditions

They operate through various networks, such as Wi-Fi, 4G, 5G, and so on, which are used by devices to access the Internet. A cross-device test provides the result using several networks and ensures the reliable performance of an application.

Cost-Effective Cross-Device Testing Strategies

Without a doubt, cross-device testing is crucial in order to ensure that the apps perform well and provide a unified user experience across the devices, platforms and browsers. It can, however, be costly and involves the use of a lot of resources in the process. This procedure can be made more efficient by putting cost-effective cross-device testing techniques into practice. The following are some crucial tactics:

  1. Prioritize Devices and Browsers

Analyze your user base to determine the most popular devices and browsers among your target audience. Utilize resources such as Google Analytics to ascertain the most widely used platforms. Concentrate your testing efforts on these to assure coverage for the bulk of your users and optimize impact.

  1. Leverage Emulators and Simulators

When conducting initial testing, make effective use of emulators and simulators to identify frequent problems. Although these tools are a cost-effective solution to simulate different devices and environments, real device testing is always necessary to ensure correct results.

  1. Use Cloud-Based Testing Services

Select AI-powered test orchestration and execution services such as LambdaTest. These platforms eliminate the requirement for an internal device lab by offering pay-as-you-go access to a wide range of devices and browsers. Additionally, they encourage parallel testing to expedite the procedure.

LambdaTest is an AI-powered tool for test automation that gives users a space to test web application interfaces and mobile applications on multiple browsers and operating systems. Currently, it has over 3000 real browsers and devices available; thus, one does not need to have an internal device lab, which in turn lowers both cost and test complexity.

A few of the essential capabilities are geolocation testing, responsive testing for various screen sizes, live testing, and automated testing using frameworks like Cypress and Selenium. Furthermore, AI-driven insights facilitate prompt issue identification and resolution, improving the effectiveness and dependability of the testing procedure. All things considered, LambdaTest is a complete solution that guarantees online and mobile applications provide a flawless user experience in all settings.

  1. Implement Automated Testing

To cut down on time and labor, automate repetitive test cases using tools like Selenium and Appium. Automated testing can be integrated into your CI/CD pipeline to maintain consistent application quality through regular testing and early issue discovery.

  1. Develop a Testing Matrix

Make a testing matrix that associates operating systems, browsers, and devices with particular test scenarios. This guarantees extensive coverage, prevents redundant testing, maximizes resource utilization, and upholds the integrity of your testing approach.

  1. Conduct Risk-Based Testing

Concentrate on the high-risk sections of your program that could cause problems or negatively affect the user experience. Dedicate more resources to these regions and conduct selected, less frequent testing on lower-risk areas to ensure effective resource allocation and save time and money.

  1. Maintain a Device Lab

Maintain a small internal device lab with essential devices for rapid, hands-on testing if resources permit. In addition to other techniques, update devices based on usage data and trends to guarantee comprehensive and trustworthy testing.

  1. Regularly Review and Update Testing Strategy

Regularly review and refine your testing strategy based on feedback and results. Maintain a current understanding of emerging hardware, software, and user behavior patterns to keep your plan fresh and efficient and to guarantee top-notch application performance on all platforms.

Using Cross-Device Testing with Open-Source Tools

Let’s now take a closer look at a few of the best open-source tools available for testers to utilize for thorough cross-device testing:


What is Selenium? As previously said, Selenium is practically a household name in the world of open-source automated testing. As a collection of tools that assist testers at different phases of the entire testing process, Selenium may be thought of as a test suite. Numerous widely used programming languages, including Python, Java, and Ruby, can be used to script the test cases.

The Selenium WebDriver, Selenium Integrated Development Environment, Selenium Grid, and Selenium Client API are the critical components of the Selenium test suite. The fourth version of Selenium, which is now in use, has significantly increased test satisfaction overall.

With the Selenium WebDriver, testers can effortlessly integrate Selenium with many browsers. On the other hand, parallel testing can be carried out with the Selenium Grid to run test instances concurrently on hundreds of different devices and configurations.

We would like to warn the testers, nonetheless, that Selenium works best when used for web application automation testing. Software creators will have to hunt for substitutes in any other format. App developers will need to search the market for alternatives if they want to create any other kind of app.


Within the mobile automation testing family, Appium is a well-known name. Testers can run automated test cases on widely used mobile operating systems like Windows, iOS, and Android. Additionally, testers can access all functioning components of the program without paying for a license because it is free.

Appium provides a uniform API for testing native and hybrid mobile apps. This addition simplifies writing test cases compatible with several systems. Appium supports several programming languages for creating automated test scripts. For mobile web testing, testers can easily connect Appium with Selenium based on the testing specifications.


An open-source end-to-end testing framework called Cypress was created especially for contemporary online apps. This tool allows testers to create automated JavaScript tests that mimic user interactions within the browser.

The ability of Cypress to offer real-time feedback while tests are being conducted is one of its most notable characteristics. Debugging and troubleshooting become significantly more efficient when testers are able to view every action taken inside the browser.

Additionally, Cypress has built-in support for cross-browser testing, which enables testers to run their tests in multiple browsers at once. This guarantees that the program will function uniformly under different browser settings.

Furthermore, Cypress has an extensive feature set for managing typical testing scenarios, including managing asynchronous behavior, launching network queries, and interacting with user interface components.

Cypress is a vital instrument for guaranteeing the dependability and quality of web apps across various platforms and browsers, which makes it an invaluable supplement to any tester’s equipment.


An open-source Android emulator called Genymotion offers a dependable and quick environment for testing contemporary Android apps.

Using this emulator, developers can access a variety of virtual devices with various Android versions and configurations. This method allows testers to conduct thorough testing without requiring any physical equipment.

The testers can also examine how different user behaviors affect the functionality of their app by using Genymotion. Frequently occurring user behaviors on the web application include clicking, scrolling, and completing several forms.


Lastly, BackdropJS is an open-source tool for visual regression testing. With this application, testers can take screenshots of websites and identify any visual discrepancies between them.

Additionally, testers may automate the retrieval of UI data for many devices and browsers with this tool. Thus, to guarantee consistent UI locations, the system can launch the test instances automatically following each update. By utilizing BackdropJS, the testers can thus accomplish their ultimate objective of guaranteeing uniformity in the user interface across platforms and devices.


In conclusion, cross-device testing plays a significant role in software development, particularly for web and mobile applications. The need for rigorous testing cannot be overemphasized since consumers increasingly expect consistent experiences across multiple devices and platforms on different screen sizes.

In this article, we have discussed the critical significance of cross-device testing, including its implications for market capability, user experience, and performance optimization. We’ve also discussed the difficulties this testing phase presents, especially the time and resource limitations.

Yet testers can successfully overcome these obstacles if they are equipped with affordable tactics and use an abundance of free and open-source technologies. There are several ways to expedite the cross-device testing process without going over budget, including setting priorities for devices and browsers, automating tests, and using cloud-based services like LambdaTest.

In addition, we have explained some of the top open-source tools for testers, such as BackdropJS, Appium, Selenium, Cypress, and Genymotion. Each has special features to guarantee thorough test coverage and platform consistency.

In summary, testers can improve the quality and dependability of their systems, maximize resource efficiency, and accelerate the testing lifecycle by adopting these approaches and utilizing the power of open-source tools. Sustaining a proactive approach towards improving testing methodologies and remaining aware of new developments is crucial for providing users with unmatched experiences in a variety of settings and devices as technology advances.

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